While the rest of the world is celebrating Valentine’s Day, here at Incite Creative we are celebrating a double dose of love because today also marks our 18th anniversary.

Eighteen years! Holy moly.

I remember sitting in my one bedroom apartment back in 2000. We had just incorporated and that was back when we had to switch out the phone line if someone wanted to send us a fax. Remember those days?

I also recall flipping through a QuickBooks manual and wondering, ‘Do we carry inventory?’ I quickly realized I should stick with what I do best and leave the accounting to those far better equipped to answer such intimidating questions! With just two clients to our name, we were either courageous or crazy and only time would tell which.

So let see…18 years ago I was 29 (clearly I wasn’t a math major) and ready to change the world of marketing and graphic design.

I had my graduate degree under my belt along with a few years of professional experience and thought, “I can do this!” At the time I certainly wasn’t thinking this far ahead. I was just thinking, “I hope I didn’t make a mistake not taking that full time job in Virginia because I need to pay the rent!” Looking back, I think it’s safe to say I didn’t make a mistake. I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by great mentors, great friends, a supportive family, and opportunities to use my skills to help people, businesses and organizations succeed.

Fast forward 18 years and quite a bit has changed.

Instead of navigating the hustle and bustle of downtown Baltimore, I now get to witness blue birds, cardinals, blue jays and even an occasional humming bird. Instead of switching out my phone line to send a fax or even typing out an email, I simply talk into a built in microphone on my mobile device to return a client’s text message. And instead of spending hours on the road going from meeting to meeting, I’m much more productive thanks to Uber Conference screen shares, voice assisted technology, project management software and my go to stress reliever — dark chocolate.

Don’t get me wrong though. With all of these technological advances, it has certainly made the world of marketing much more complex as it is ever-changing. But that’s part of the rush and why I say, ‘Eighteen years and counting,’ because I don’t see my love of the rush slowing down anytime soon. All these years later and the tools have changed, but people’s need to have a trusted resource to help them build their brand remains the same. I’m honored to still be surrounded by great people and I still love what I do. I also still love dark chocolate (and red wine).

With that, I raise a toast to all of you on this Valentine’s Day, thanking you for your support, trust and/or love and look forward to many more years to come!

Incite Creative is a marketing strategy and creative implementation firm that works in an outsourced capacity. In short, we become your company’s chief marketing officer (CMO) and do so virtually and efficiently — saving you time and money. Since 1999 we’ve had the pleasure of building and boosting brands for a core set of industries. Our thoughtful process, experienced team, and vested interest in our client’s success has positioned us as one of the Mid-Atlantic’s most sought-after marketing partners for those looking to grow their brand awareness and their bottom line. Stop paying for digital and/or traditional services you may not really need. Our retainer, no mark-up model means our recommendations don’t come with any catch or commission. The recommendations we make align with what you need and what fits within your budget. For more information, contact Dina Wasmer at 410-366-9479 or [email protected].